Palo Alto Networks Inc

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The Next Technology Superstar Stocks

The Crown Jewels of Technology

Written by Ophir Gottlieb

While Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL), Facebook (NASDAQ:FB), Alphabet (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) and Netflix (NASDAQ:NFLX) get all the attention, in a sense, these are already known tech stars.

Let's look at a different population of the tech world -- companies with market caps between $10 billion and $20 billion and rank this population by the one-year growth in revenue.

At the top we find Palo Alto Networks (NYSE:PANW), the cyber security marvel that continues to grow at the expense of all of its rivals. Here is how cyber security growth looks for the next several years:

Next we'll find Twitter (NASDAQ:TWTR), the social media stock that has been crushed as it tries to find its wings. Next we'll find Workday (NASDAQ:WDAY), the enterprise cloud application provider for finance and human resources. Here's how the cloud platform growth looks for the next decade:

In just those first three companies we see three of most powerful trends driving technology's future. Going further down the list we find tech gem Skyworks Solutions (NASDAQ:SWKS), an Internet of Things (IoT) company that powers the transformation in radio frequencies.

We also see Red Hat (NYSE:RHT), the open source creator of Linux that has made a powerful play in the cloud realm -- so much so that Microsoft's (NASDAQ:MSFT) Azure cloud computing platform now offers the open source operating system. That's like McDonald's selling a Burger King Whopper.

But, perhaps the greatest tech gem of them all is Nvidia (NASDAQ:NVDA), the IoT, artificial intelligence, gaming, graphics card, self-driving automotive marvel that may not only be the best of this peer group, it may in fact be the best technology stock in the world as we look toward the future. This company may be the next Intel (NASDAQ:INTC).

This is just the surface analysis. There's so much going on with technology it's impossible to cover in one report. But, to take it a step further and to actually find the 'next Apple' or 'next FANG stock' we have to get ahead of the curve. This is what CML Pro does. Our research sits side-by-side with Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and the rest on professional terminals, but we are the anti-institution and break the information monopoly that the top .1% have.

Each company in our 'Top Picks' is the single winner in an exploding thematic shift like artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, drones, biotech and more. In fact, here are just two of the trends that will radically affect the future that we are ahead of:

That chart plots the growth in 4G usage worldwide and how it will grow from 330 million people today to nearly 2 billion in five years. This is the lifeblood fueling every IoT and mobile device on the planet and CML Pro has named the single winner that will power this transformation. Then there's cyber security:

Market correction or not, recession or not, the growth in this area is a near certainty, even if projections come down, this is happening. CML Pro has named the single best cyber security stock to benefit from this theme.

These are just two of the themes we have identified and this is just one of the fantastic reports CML Pro members get along with all the visual tools, the precious few thematic top picks for 2016, research dossiers and alerts. For a limited time we are offering CML Pro at a 90% discount for $10/mo. with a lifetime guaranteed rate. Join Us: Get the most advanced premium research delivered to your inbox along with access to visual tools and data that until now has only been made available to the top 1%.

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