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The CML Close - Stocks down, cancelled home deals spiking, eyes on CPI and Core CPI - 07-11-2022

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Stocks finished down, with the tech heavy NASDAQ showing the largest drop and all eyes on the CPI and Core CPI inflation reports due on Wednesday July 13 2022.

Inflation may have peaked and the housing market could be on the brink of a substantial slowdown.

SPX 3,854.47 -44.91 (-1.15%)
NASD 11,372.52 -262.71 (-2.26%)
DJIA 31,175.52 -162.63 (-0.52%)
R2K 1,730.87 -38.50 (-2.18%)
VIX 26.51 +1.87 (+7.59%)
Oil 103.75 -1.04 (-0.99%)

• Inflation may have peaked.

• Home buyers and builders are cancelling deals at the highest rate since the COVID onset.

• Europe is on high alert as Russia temporarily halts gas flows via major pipeline.

Headlines of the Day
S&P 500 loses 1%, Nasdaq breaks 5-day win streak ahead of earnings season
U.S. equities fell Monday as Wall Street braced for big company earnings reports slated for later in the week which could signal how inflation is impacting businesses.

Homebuyers are canceling deals at the highest rate since the start of the pandemic
Homebuilders are also seeing higher cancelation rates.

Fed Braces as Another Big US Inflation Number Looms
Investors await follow-up to last month’s market-shaking data. Large rate hikes expected in Canada, New Zealand, South Korea.

Second-quarter earnings season is here.
2Q Earnings Season Begins. We’ll Learn a Lot About Where Stocks and the Economy Are Going.

Europe on high alert as Russia temporarily halts gas flows via major pipeline
Operator Nord Stream AG confirmed the maintenance work, which is scheduled to run from Monday through to July 21, got underway as planned on Monday morning.

Economic Data Due Tomorrow on 7-12-2022
Consumer Inflation Expectations JUN

IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism JUL

NFIB Business Optimism Index JUN


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