Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc. - Registered Shares

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5:14:15 PM EDT: $84.01 -0.58 (-0.69%)
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Market Cap (Intraday)16.06B
Current PE78.18
Forward PE 45.72
2yr Forward PE 29.17
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Estimates Current Quarter
Revenue$663.22 Million
Adjusted EPS$0.36
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10-Day MA$84.55
50-Day MA$81.63
200-Day MA$86.74
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Biomarin Pharmaceutical Inc. - Registered Shares Stock, NASDAQ:BMRN

770 Lindaro Street, San Rafael, California 94901
United States of America
Phone: +1.415.506.6700
Number of Employees: 3401


BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. engages in the development and commercialization of therapies for people with serious and life-threatening rare diseases and medical conditions. Its pipeline products include Valoctocogene roxaparvovec, Vosoritide, and BMN 307. The company was founded by John C. Klock, Christopher M. Starr and Grant W. Denison on March 21, 1997, and is headquartered in San Rafael, CA.