Jewett-Cameron Trading Co. Ltd.

-0.06 (-1.36%)
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Jewett-Cameron Trading Co. Ltd. Stock, NASDAQ:JCTCF

32275 North West Hillcrest, North Plains, Oregon 97133
United States of America
Phone: +1.503.647.0110
Number of Employees: 68


Jewett-Cameron Trading Co. Ltd. is a holding company, which engages in the manufacturing and distribution of fencing, pet homes, and outdoor living categories. It operates through the following segments: Industrial Wood Products, Pet, Fencing, and Other, Seed Processing and Sales, and Corporate and Administrative. The Industrial Wood Products segment processes and distributes industrial wood products. The Pet, Fencing, and Other segments reflect the business of Jewett-Cameron Company. The Seed Processing and Sales segment focuses on the distribution and processing of agricultural seed. The company was founded by Michael Charles Nasser in 1953 and is headquartered in North Plains, OR.