Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing - ADR

+1.66 (+1.04%)
7:59:45 PM EDT: $162.50 +0.56 (+0.35%)
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Market Cap (Intraday)839.97B
Current PE0.99
Forward PE 25.26
2yr Forward PE 19.97
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Estimates Current Quarter
Revenue$22.86 Billion
Adjusted EPS$1.74
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10-Day MA$168.43
50-Day MA$168.26
200-Day MA$129.31
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Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing - ADR Stock, NYSE:TSM

Hsinchu Science Park, No. 8 Li-Hsin 6th Road, Hsinchu, 300 96
Taiwan, Province Of China
Phone: +886.3.563.6688
Number of Employees: 76478


Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd. engages in the manufacture and sale of integrated circuits and wafer semiconductor devices. Its chips are used in personal computers and peripheral products, information applications, wired and wireless communications systems products, and automotive and industrial equipment including consumer electronics such as digital video compact disc player, digital television, game consoles, and digital cameras. The company was founded by Chung Mou Chang on February 21, 1987 and is headquartered in Hsinchu, Taiwan.